With almost 1,000 species, Anthurium can honestly claim bragging rights to being the largest genus in the Araceae family. Native to the warm climates of tropical America, the plant's growth habits are as diverse as the species and include epiphytes, climbing hemi-epiphytes and terrestrials. Although these evergreen, herbaceous perennials only tolerate growing outdoors in frost-free climates, anthuriums grow quite well in containers as houseplants or as potted outdoor plants that require indoor protection before frosts or freezes arrive. With the right care, these charming and charismatic anthuriums can give a long-lasting flower display.
Simply follow our top tips to ensure they stay healthy for as long as possible...
Be wise about watering
It is best to water your Anthurium once a week but if it begins to show symptoms of under watering, it is ok to water twice a week. Check the soil for moisture before deciding to water.
It is best to let the soil dry completely between waterings.
You can spray or mist your plant with water but it is not required. One day after watering, remove the Anthurium from the decorative pot and check for standing water. Dump out any excess water from the decorative pot. If your Anthurium becomes too dry, the leaves and flowers will begin to wilt.
Tips & Tricks
During high temperatures and in times of low humidity you can spray the leaves of your Anthurium with water. The color of the leaves will remain fresh and intense.
Consider the lighting
Anthurium prefer medium, indirect light. Anthurium live naturally and survive best in tropical conditions. Your anthurium should be producing more flowers as it grows but if it’s not, it’s possible that it is not receiving sufficient light.
Direct light can burn the leaves of the plant.
If you begin to see burning, move the plant away further from the direct light.
Tips & Tricks
Check the recent location of your Anthurium: a bright place, for instance at a side table or on a kitchen island often works well. Make sure the plant does never stand in the blazing sun.
The Anthurium flowers for about three months, and sometimes even longer if you take good care of the plant.
During the flowering period you will see old flowers getting brown after a while.
This is normal, if these are only a few ones. The brown flowers you can simply cut at their base. In the meantime new flowering stems appear and you can spray the leaves of the plant with water to make sure the plant gets enough humidity. The sturdy flower of the Anthurium is colored in eye-catching colors.
Surviving without plant food
We advise against fertilizing your anthurium as the risk of harming your plant is higher than helping it. If you do wish to fertilizer your anthurium,
try using osmocote or another slow release fertilizer.
Follow the instructions on the package carefully. If you wish to use an organic fertilizer, there are many recipes you can find online.
Tips & Tricks
Only fertilize Anthuriums during the flowering period (summer). During the winter there is no extra fertilization needed. The plant takes also a break.
Pick your pot carefully
The best time to repot your Anthurium is usually after the flowering period.
Use a new pot that is two sizes bigger in its diameter than the current pot.
Use well-draining, loose soil. While repotting a plant always start with a thin layer of soil in the pot. Adjust soil as needed after you put the Anthurium in the pot to get the correct height. The base of the plant should be even with the top of the pot. Finally, water the anthurium slowly and check if you put enough soil around the plant. If not, fill it up until just below the top of the pot.
Get a second flush of flowers
Once your Anthurium is finished with flowering, the plant is taking a pause for a couple of months. Give less water during this period, not more than one time per week. Put the Anthurium to a bright and rather cool spot in house during its flowering break (58-62 °F).
After some months the Anthurium should build new flowers naturally.
If you detect the first new flowers, you can fertilize the plant once in 2-3 weeks to support the health of the plant. The new flowers will rest for three months again.
Identifing the pests
Anthurium are very resistant to diseases and pests. To keep your plant free of disease,
make sure that your plant is not being overwatered and never sitting in water.
If you begin to see brown roots, it is possible that you are experiencing root rot. If you see this, water your plant less frequently. We recommend treating for pest and diseases in very simple ways. If you begin to see scale, aphids, mealy bug, or other type of pests on your succulents, trying washing your entire anthurium with alcohol wipes.